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Patricia Cornwell - Postmortem

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Patricia Cornwell - Postmortem

Číslo inzerátu: 2911997
inzerát vložen: 20.9. 2015 09:53
Kniha psaná v Aj !
V dobrém stavu.

A serial killer is on the loose in Richmond, Virginia. Three women have died, brutalised and strangled in their own bedroom. There is no pattern: the killer appears to strike at random - but always early on Saturday mornings.
So when Dr Kay Scarpetta, chief medical officer, is awakened at 2.33 am, she knows the news is bad: there is a fourth victim. And she fears now for those that will follow unless she can dig up new forensic evidence to aid the police.
But not everyone is pleased to see a woman in this powerful job. Someone may even want to ruin her career and reputation ...

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