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Jenny Colgan - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

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Jenny Colgan - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Číslo inzerátu: 2912007
inzerát vložen: 20.9. 2015 10:13
Kniha v AJ

How does an It Girl survive when she loses everything?

Sophie Chesterton is a girl about town - she knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes. But deep down she suspects that her superficial friends and lifestyle don't amount to very much. Her father is desperate for her to make her own way in the world, and when after one shocking evening her life is turned upside down, she suddenly has no choice.

Scraping a living as a 'glamour' photographer's assistant, living in a hovel on the Old Kent Road with four smelly boys, eating baked beans from the can, Sophie is desperate to get her life back. But does a girl really need diamonds to be happy?

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